The driving instructor market is heavily saturated and as a result, there are many driving schools that are having to cut their prices to gain new business or even just to survive. Obviously, this is very good news for pupils but it is leading many driving schools to ‘hang up’ their L plates.
There is a new scheme introduced in Gloucestershire which, whilst its aim is to promote road safety, nonetheless is going to undoubtedly further the price competition within the area.
“DRIVING lessons for £3 and video images of traffic accidents are part of a £20,000 package to boost safety for young drivers. Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Martin Surl is putting £20,000 into the scheme over the next two years. Up to …”
Whilst the scheme is limited to a relatively small number of pupils, if it is deemed as a success, will it lead to similar schemes across the country? Driving schools would want to keep an eye open for this and get themselves on the ‘books’ of such scheme operators.